
Interested in becoming a member of the AFLC?

The Auburn Football Lettermen Club is comprised of individuals who have continued their interest in Auburn’s athletic program beyond their playing days. AFLC members want to promote Auburn Athletics in ways that maintain the respect, honor, and distinction that earning the Auburn varsity “A” rightly deserves.

AFLC activities are designed to reunite former players and to recognize football lettermen who have made outstanding contributions to Auburn athletics. Membership in AFLC promotes continued involvement and participation of all football lettermen in activities relating to Auburn.

No matter which decade you played, the bond lettermen share is unmistakable! As a member of the Auburn Football Lettermen Club, you join teammates from all generations. By maintaining an active role in the Athletic Program you perpetuate and strengthen the Auburn Football Tradition by uniting former and current players for mutual benefit. Come and serve as a source of inspiration for another generation of Auburn players that still wear the Orange and Blue by being the “Team behind the Team”!

Click here to download a PDF of our New Member Form.

Click here to download a PDF of our membership renewal brochure.

The Lettermen Lounge